Management in the World Heritage Site

Vegaøyan is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as Norway's only cultural landscape area.

The management plan states that overgrowth due to lack of grazing and mowing are the main challenges. The inscription text also calls on Norway to graze larger areas with sheep and to cooperate with the landowners to ensure good management of the area. The property structure makes it challenging to initiate activity in some areas where grazing and haymaking have ceased. However, experience from the last few years of funding shows a positive development in the area. Several new islands are being grazed and larger areas are being mown.

The Vegaøyan World Heritage Foundation has a budget of approximately NOK 900,000 for grazing and area subsidies, establishment and management plans. In addition, in 2023, NOK 2.1 million will be granted via the agricultural agreement to farmers who graze animals or carry out haymaking in the world heritage area. With the establishment of local management of the protected areas, funds are also allocated from the Vega Protected Area Board for management in the protected areas. in 2023, this amount was approximately NOK 500,000.

Management plans

The foundation and/or the Vega conservation area board have financed the preparation of management plans for most of the larger islands in the world heritage area.
As of today there are management plans for all the largest islands:

  • Skogsholmen: grazing with young cattle and sheep, mowing and felling of Sitka spruce and Scots pine
  • Hysvær and Søla: mowing and sheep grazing, logging
  • Skjærvær and Lånan: beaten
  • Omnøy: mowing and sheep grazing
  • Bukkøy: mowing and sheep grazing
  • Tåvær: sheep grazing
  • Kilvær: mowing and sheep grazing, felling of sitka
  • Stor-Emårsøy: grazing with young cattle, mowing
  • Kjellerhaugvatnet: sheep grazing and felling of sitka and scrub forest
  • Holandsosen: sheep grazing and felling of sitka and scrub forest
  • Muddy weather: mowed
  • Rognan: mowing and sheep grazing

In addition, a number of islands are grazed where no management plans have been drawn up.